Privacy Policy

Who is the data controller of your personal data?

Data Controller Identity: Hotel Review App.

Address: 450 s orange ave, 3rd Fl, Orlando, fl 32801



How do we use your personal data and what is the lawful basis for processing your personal data?

Hotel Review App (hereinafter, “Hotel Review App”) will process the personal data you provided with the following purpose:

  • Request a demo: We will contact you to provide information about our services and products. We can contact you by email and by phone.
  • All those forms related to the products offered, that is, reputation management for hotels, hotel satisfaction survey, guest messaging hub, auto case management, and hotel review for restaurants, the purpose for the processing of personal data collected through it will be: Contact us to provide you with information about the required product.
  • All those data collection forms that can be found in the “resources” section, your personal data will be processed to Provide you with the requested content through direct download or via email.
  • Regarding the form related to the request for webinars, your personal data will be processed in order to provide the requested content through direct download or via email.

Moreover, and only in case you have consented, we will process your personal data for commercial communications by email so that you are up-to-date regarding the latest trends in the hotel industry and best practices.

The processing of your personal data for the aforementioned purposes is necessary in order to process your request.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data for all the purposes described in this section is the express consent granted by you.

What data do we deal with?

Within the framework of the functionalities offered through this website, and conditioned to the purposes previously indicated, Hotel Review App process identifying data such as the customer’s name and surname, as well as your email whenever you request that communications be sent to you commercial communications.

What other recipients will the data be disclosed to?

Hotel Review App may communicate your personal data to third parties in compliance with the legal obligations that correspond in each case. Also, and only in the case that you consent expressly, your personal data may be communicated to the partners with whom webinars are organized so that they can send me information that may be of interest to me.

How long do we retain your personal data?

Hotel Review App will keep your personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected. Also, your personal data will be kept as long as you do not request their erasure, as well as during the time necessary to comply with the legal obligations that correspond in each case.

What are your rights as affected individual?

You can exercise the following rights before Hotel Review App in your condition of data subject:

  • Access: You can get information if Hotel Review App processes your personal data, as well as consult your personal data included in the Hotel Review App files.
  • Rectification: You can modify your personal data when it’s inaccurate as well as complete those that are incomplete.
  • Erasure: You may request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.
  • Objection: You may request that your personal information not be processed. Hotel Review App will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defence of possible claims.
  • Limitation of the processing: You can request the limitation to the processing of your personal data in the following cases:
    • While objection of the exactitude of your personal data is being checked;
    • When the data processing is illegal, you object the deletion of your data and request the limitation of its use;
    • When Hotel Review App does not need to process your data, but you need it for the exercise of defence claims;
    • When you have opposed the processing of your personal data for the fulfilment of a mission of public interest or for the satisfaction of a legitimate interest, while it is verified if the legitimate reasons for the processing prevail over yours.
  • Portability: You can receive, in electronic format, the personal data that you have given us and those that have been obtained from your contractual relationship with Hotel Review App, as well as to transmit them to another entity.

You can exercise these rights by written request addressed to Hotel Review App, Legal department, 450 s orange ave, 3rd fl, Orlando, fl 32801 or by sending an email to, attaching a copy of your ID or another document proving your identity and stating the right you want to exercise. The exercise of these rights is free of charge.

If you consider that Hotel Review App has not processed your personal data in accordance with the applicable regulations.